Kaj je program oprostitve plačila provizije VISA?


Kaj je program oprostitve plačila provizije VISA? Program za odpravo vizumov (VWP) je program ameriške vlade, ki državljanom nekaterih držav omogoča turistično ali poslovno potovanje v Združene države za 90-dnevno ali krajše bivanje brez vizuma. Program je bil vzpostavljen za lažje potovanje in izboljšanje odnosov s sodelujočimi državami, upravičenim potnikom pa omogoča, da za vstop v Združene države zaprosijo v vstopnem pristanišču, namesto da bi za vizum zaprosili na ameriškem konzulatu. Od leta 2021 so upravičene države večinoma v Evropi, upravičene pa so tudi nekatere druge države, kot so Japonska, Singapur, Južna Koreja, Tajvan, Avstralija in Nova Zelandija. Upravičenost do [...]

Kaj je program oprostitve plačila provizije VISA?2023-01-28T19:02:36+00:00

I made a mistake on my esta application


What to do if I made a mistake on my ESTA application? The only way to solve such a problem is to submit a new application and pay for a new ESTA. If your previous application was accepted, you should be able to submit a new one ESTA here. Simply enter the application system and select "Submit ESTA" The update function cannot be used to modify your passport or biometric data. If your initial application was granted, the system won't allow you to submit another until you close your browser after the initial attempt. If any biographical information is incorrect, [...]

I made a mistake on my esta application2022-11-28T08:51:30+00:00

How to fill out the ESTA if my name contains special characters


How to fill out the ESTA if my name contains special characters? The American English alphabet's popular replacements for distinctive European letters are listed below. You may also look up the common spelling of your name in the machine-readable section of your passport (with the chevrons <<< >>>). ß,ß = ss æ = a e ö = oe ü = ue ë = e ä = ae Å = aa ø = oe ñ = n ? = i j

How to fill out the ESTA if my name contains special characters2022-09-02T09:50:21+00:00

What are the exact documents I need to show the customs officer when I arrive in the US


What are the exact documents I need to show the customs officer when I arrive in the US? When you arrive in the US, you will need to bring your passport, a completed declaration form and your ESTA number with you. As far as ESTA is concerned, you only need to have the confirmation number, which can be printed (it is recommended to have a printed confirmation sheet with the confirmation number on it). You do not need to provide proof of payment for ESTA

What are the exact documents I need to show the customs officer when I arrive in the US2022-07-27T20:19:03+00:00

Why can’t I add more applications to my group?


Why can’t I add more applications to my group ESTA application? Applications can be added to a group (maximum of 50) as long as payment is NOT made. Once you have applied for a group, you have 7 days to pay. Once the group is paid, you will no longer be able to add applications to the group. To submit more applications, you can either create a new group or submit individual applications. Since the opportunity to travel with ESTA is not dependent on how your travel partners have applied, it does not matter whether you apply in a group [...]

Why can’t I add more applications to my group?2024-06-22T17:56:21+00:00

What should I do if my passport information has changed or expired?


What should I do if my passport information has changed or expired? If you get a new passport or there are changes to your passport information, you must apply for a new travel authorization and pay the appropriate fees. For a complete list of information you can change after you apply, see "What Information Can I Update?

What should I do if my passport information has changed or expired?2022-07-01T23:38:47+00:00

How do I retrieve my application?


How do I retrieve my application? Select "Check ESTA Status" from the navigation menu or "Check Existing Application" from the home page. Restoring an individual application If you know your application number, enter your passport number, date of birth, and application number. NOTE: The application number was sent to the email address listed on your ESTA application. If you do not know your application number, enter your passport number, country of citizenship, passport issue date, passport expiration date, and date of birth. Restoring an group ESTA application The following information about the group contact person is required in order to receive [...]

How do I retrieve my application?2024-06-22T17:55:09+00:00

How can I correct a mistake regarding Passport Issuance Date or Passport Expiration Date after completing my application?


How can I correct a mistake regarding Passport Issuance Date or Passport Expiration Date after completing my application? The applicant can update the passport issuance date or the passport expiration date as long as the application is not paid for. If the applicant enters an incorrect passport issuance date or passport expiration date after the ESTA application has been paid, the traveler will have to reapply for a new travel authorization. The appropriate fee will be charged for each new application submitted. The previous application will be cancelled.

How can I correct a mistake regarding Passport Issuance Date or Passport Expiration Date after completing my application?2022-07-01T23:30:49+00:00

When will I hear back if I’m approved?


When will I hear back if I'm approved? The electronic travel authorization system will normally return your application status within 72 hours. We will send 2 status letters, plus one letter from the payment system about the status of the application. And you will receive one SMS if your phone number was entered correctly. Three possible responses to the electronic travel authorization application: Permit approved. Your travel authorization has been approved and you are eligible to travel to the U.S. under the Visa Waiver Program. The system displays a confirmation of approval of the application and a notification of receipt of [...]

When will I hear back if I’m approved?2022-07-01T23:20:34+00:00
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