What to do if I made a mistake on my ESTA application?
The only way to solve such a problem is to submit a new application and pay for a new ESTA.
If your previous application was accepted, you should be able to submit a new one ESTA here.
Simply enter the application system and select “Submit ESTA”
The update function cannot be used to modify your passport or biometric data.
If your initial application was granted, the system won’t allow you to submit another until you close your browser after the initial attempt.
If any biographical information is incorrect, the application is invalid and you must submit a new one by clicking Continue.
The previous application will be automatically canceled after you submit the new one.
You will need to submit a new ESTA application if you made a mistake in any of the ESTA fields below or any of the eligibility questions.
Each of these fields is listed and explained below. You must pay a fee of 85.00EUR or the fast ESTA application review fee of 114.00EUR (application review within 12 hours or less).
- Family Name – The last name or family name indicated on your passport.
- First (Given) Name – The first name indicated on your passport.
- Passport number – The number, usually 7-12 alphanumeric characters indicated on your passport.
- Country of passport issuance – This is the country that issued your passport.
- Passport Issuance Date – This is the date your passport was issued.
- Passport Expiration Date – This is the expiry date of your passport.
- Country of Citizenship – The country of your citizenship indicated on your passport.
- Gender (Sex) – The gender indicated on your passport.
- Date of Birth – The date of birth indicated on your passport.
- City of Birth – The city of your birth on the passport.
- Country of Birth – The country of your birth on your passport.